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Schooling of the Mind.

Education of the Heart.

Applying to Villa

Beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic, Villa offers an expansive intellectual grounding in all kinds of humanistic inquiry. Interdisciplinary by nature, inquiry-based learning actively invites students to make cross-connections between and among different subjects. Villa’s specialist offerings amplify and expand students’ experience of school; they add imagination, energy, and inspiration to their world, and provide rich opportunities for students to express themselves. 

Comprehensive Whole Child Education

At Villa Academy, we are growing confident young minds with strong moral character who are prepared to make a difference. Our inquiry-based approach to education balances theory with experience, pairing student-centered academic excellence and whole child wellness with our values of growth, justice, and student agency.

The Villa Difference

Our Cabrinian model of education balances academic challenge with character development steeped in values of service, justice, critical thinking, and effecting positive change—and we help our students put those values into practice by creating real-world connections to our greater community.

The Villa Difference


Villa is the only independent school in the city of Seattle nurturing the holistic development of children: mind, body, and spirit. Dedicated to inquiry-driven, student-centered academic excellence, Villa simultaneously tends to whole child growth and integrated health, informed by clear and compelling research on the powerful influence of nature, spirituality, and social-emotional intelligence on academic thriving. Our empowered students become stewards of their lives, caretakers of their mental and social wellbeing, and custodians of the environment. Villa firmly stands in commitment to the transformative power of our Cabrinian tradition of “education of the heart.”


Accreditations & Memberships

  • Accredited by the Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS)
  • Member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)
  • Member of the Puget Sound Independent Schools (PSIS)
  • Member of the Washington Federation of Independent Schools (WFIS)
  • Member of the Educational Records Bureau (ERB)
  • Certified (Level 3) by Washington Green Schools
  • Member of POCIS Seattle 
  • Member of the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA)